Stop it slender

Stop it slender it slender is a scary game in Roblox you can play it.


But there is scary warnings…

There is YouTubers that also plays it.



i won in chess

So yesterday i was challenging my sister on a game of chess and I won 5 times my sister won 2 times. That’s why I’m lucky at winning. At activity games and video games.

One more week of parcc

So we have one more week of the parcc test. I hope all the tigers do cool things when there finished😃😃😃! I really want to finished the test i’m so excited 😆 to finish it!

I saw Jam at proksa Park!

Yesterday I saw Jam at proksa Park and his brother Javier was playing also with my little sister and Mia brother and her. Mia is in 3KC. We were playing tag.and then Mia left and then I left and I said”bye”to Jam.👋

The best homework ever!

Yesterday for my homework I had to do paragraphs which is my favorite in reading! I was like “YES! Yes yes yes! Since I completed my homework I went to play game. Which was fun!

Tomorrow is st Patrick’s day!



Tomorrow is st Patrick’s day! You have to wear green! Which is cool😎🤩🤩🤩🤩. And i’m So lucky no one can’t pinch me. I give people good luck😉.You can wear green and you will be lucky. It’s okay if you’re bad luck because you never get pinched. So bye!

The trip to Florida

So I went to Florida and this hotel that has a lot of bedrooms. And a pool! So cool😎! I also went to Disney world. I went this cool boat where there is FAKE animals. It was in Orlando. I was pretty cool 😎!